Join My Support Team

  For those of you who don’t already know, the faculty at BFA are not paid a salary. Before you write this off as the worst teaching job ever…hear me out. By serving at BFA, I have the amazing opportunity to be both fully teacher and fully missionary. I come to Germany financially supported by churches, family, and friends so that I can serve full-time as a teacher, coach, and spiritual mentor for these missionary kids. 


In addition to securing genuinely committed teachers, having the faculty raise their own support also helps to keep the tuition low for missionary parents. Since BFA was created to be a benefit and blessing to missionary families who are serving Christ around the world (oftentimes in difficult areas), it is critical that this school remains affordable for these parents.

Want to get involved? 

There are two ways that you can be a part of my team:
1. Pray - I am looking for a group of individuals who will be committed to praying regularly for my ministry. If you feel like you would like to join the prayer team, please send me an email at and I would be happy to add you to the prayer list.

2. Give - I am also looking for a team of financial supporters. I will need to raise a total of $2,000 in monthly gifts as well as $5,000 in one time donations. I know it sounds like a big number, but with God all things are possible! These funds will cover expenses such as housing, food, insurance, transportation, airfare, and the cost of setting up my new apartment. It is critical that I raise these funds so that I can report to my teaching assignment in August!

Since I am serving as a missionary with TeachBeyond, all of your gifts will be tax deductible. Click HERE to download a pledge form. The form explains how there is an option to give either one time or monthly. After completing the appropriate information, mail the pledge form and your check to

PO Box 6248
Bloomingdale, IL 60108-6248 

You can also give online at
(However, there is a 2.2% service charge for using a credit card, so I would only recommend this option for one-time gifts.)

All gifts are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt in the mail!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty Cool! I definitely want to join your support team.
    My prayers are with you too!

